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Your Options

Think you might be pregnant? You have options.

If you are wondering whether or not you’re pregnant, your mind is probably racing with questions. It’s common to feel confused, scared or overwhelmed.

We’re here to help you through your situation, not to judge. We understand that you are the only one who can make a decision about your body. We want to offer you the accurate information you need to make the best decision you can. We provide information on all your options in a safe, comfortable and confidential peer counseling setting as well as ongoing pregnancy support. In addition we can provide you with trusted community referrals for things such as housing, professional counseling, medical help and financial assistance.

The first step to take to see if you might be pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. Common symptoms of pregnancy include a late or missed period, tender or swollen breasts, frequent urination, fatigue, and nausea.

Contact us now to come by for your free self-administered pregnancy test. (479) 394-1186


Choosing to continue your pregnancy and to parent can be challenging. With the support of caring people, parenting classes, and other resources, many women find the help they need to make this choice. Read More


Each year more than 50,000 American women lovingly place their baby in an adoptive home. This decision is often made by women who first thought abortion was their only way out. Adoption can be a loving option for birth mother, baby and adoptive family. Read More

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